Saturday, June 09, 2007

too, bless you

And thanks to the super cute guy sitting beside me at Starbucks who said "bless you" to me after I sneezed. Sadly, I saw you blow your nose into a cloth hanky and put it back into your pocket. You aren't very cute anymore. Ewww.


Dying Dodo said...

Well I'll give you a bless you with out the nose blowing thing. Sorry I don't qualify for the cute guy thing. (grin)

Mike said...

Sorry... would that your illusion had been preserved, it would have been a warm thought to comfort you some day, in your old age, "I remember back when that super cute guy blessed me, yeah, them was the days..." (well, hopefully you won't lose your grasp on grammar, but you get the point :-)

Becky said...

so are you saying snot doesnt turn you on?

LittlestPenguin said...

I think you were spammed in Spanish, or maybe that's Portuguese?

Mike said...

Portuguese, according to Google's translator program.

Where in the Nine Flippin' Hells is the host of this blog?!? He hasn't fallen into one of those Twilight Zone episodes, has he?

Michael said...

Erhmmmm... sorry folks. It's been a bit hectic lately. And by lately, I mean the last few months. :-) I haven't even looked at any of your blogs [gasp]. My poor Bloglines is not happy with me one bit, I think I'm up to about 400 unread blog posts. Thanks for checking in.

Yeah, I left the spam since it was in Portugese, part of me still thinks it has a small amount of cool factor.