Monday, July 30, 2007

writing, missing my

I just finished looking at the date of my last entry. June 9, 2007. I've been on hiatus for nearly two months. I refuse to let this blog die, I will stick with it to the end. I promise.

You might ask why I've been on hiatus? Good question. If you haven't asked, well, you'll find out anyway.

There's this little thing called work and school and life. I've been having a more active social life which has greatly impacted my virtual presence. Who knew, right? School has been busy, but that's been done for about a week now, so there is no excuse there any longer.

Mostly, I just didn't feel like writing. The more I am away from it, the harder it was to bring myself to get into it again. Why are people always so scared to get back into any sort of groove? Be it piano practicing or dieting or working out or focused reading... whatever it is, we do it.

I'm staying home from work today. I don't think I'm sick, but I'm not at the top of my game either. I haven't taken a sick day in quite awhile, so figure just staying home and doing some cleaning and whatnot might be a good mental health day. Speaking of mental health, I axed the happy pills and have been great ever since. I've found that I actually feel pretty good when I make a point to eat full servings of fruits/vegetables on a daily and regular basis. Amazing, eh?

Time to get busy...but, for those of you who still check in on this blog now and again, thanks for reading and I promise to be much more regular for awhile.


Dying Dodo said...

So Glad! You were definately missed!

Mike said...

Hey, glad (man, did I really have to use the same word as everyone else?) to see you back online, good sir! (However, like Season, I'm always glad(!) to hear when someone has a life that isn't mediated through a keyboard and monitor.)