Friday, June 27, 2008

ALA Part 2

I had breakfast by myself at the Hilton this morning--$8 for some Oatmeal. Yeah, I know. It was supposedly "Irish" oatmeal and included fresh mango and strawberries. It was actually pretty tasty.

Finally, time to get my power adapter back so I don't go crazy! I found Laurie's session, which happened to be in my own hotel and nabbed the power goodness. I immediately came over to the conference center to check out this free wireless I had heard so much about. It is lovely, along with the newfound electricity for the macbook.

While there I spied sandwich lunches outside of a session, everyone involved seems to have already eaten, so they are leftovers. I discover via Twitter that my friend Shondra is close to the conference center and hungry--so I offer up one of the free sandwiches I have no right to offer. We eat our sandwiches and chat for awhile, then find where she can pick up her giant orange conference bag and name badge holder.

Now I've scheduled myself for a session at the New Members Round Table (NMRT) Resume Review Service (RRS) at 3:30 pm. I'm excited to have someone look at my CV and tell me what they think, I could use some honest feedback by someone who doesn't know me and can be mostly unbiased.

Tomorrow I'll be cruising through the placement service area hoping to impress a few folks and get some job leads. Wish me luck!

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